History of a bug

Webex and linux

Rédigé par gorki Aucun commentaire

Le problème :

I know that many post have been written on the subject, but has I do not had a quick solution. Here is some few more information.

When connecting to webex from Linux, I had no sharing.

Solution :

First I used Firefox 64 and JVM 64. It doesn't work. Whatever I read on the net (from this link, or there).

So :

  1. Install i386 architecture
  2. install firefox32 (< 52.x otherwise Java is not working for now)
  3. create a separate profile
  4. install missing packages... (when starting firefox32)
  5. install 32bits JVM
  6. create a link to the JVM plugin in the new profile
  7. remove any shared plugin (for example JVM 64bits plugin in shared plugins library) : use plugins directory in profile

This is a quick & dirty, I'll try to update it after.

Useful tips :

  • about:plugins in firefox
    • if the 32bits plugins is not there, or the JVM64 is still there, don't go further, correct this
  • http://java.com/verify/
  • remove webex directory : ~/.webex
  • install missing packages for webex (ldd tips)
  • sometimes it can be long when you are behind a proxy
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