JMeter and shared variables between thread group
Rédigé par gorki Aucun commentaireProblem :
I have two thread groups that must be synchronized. I want to use
to achieve this.
I read (here, or here) how to synchronize JMeter thread groups (you have to use properties and not variables). Properties can be access in :
- bsh sampler : bsh.shared.<property name>
- jsr223 sample : props.put(<property name>)
- the org/apache/jmeter/util/JMeterUtils.class is the source of these properties.
I add to my test plan an initial element in bsh, jsr223 to create the latch. But when I get the latch in the thread groups, I always had different instance of my shared latch.
Solution :
Easy when we know.
I made the mistake to add the piece of code in a Pre-Processor
- Test Plan
- PreProcessor BSH : init latch
- Thread Group 1
- Sampler BSH : wait for latch
- Thread Group 2
- Sampler BSH : count down latch
In this case, the PreProcessor is run before each thread initialization. I run X times the preprocess sample.
Correct test plan :
- Test Plan
- Set up Thread Group
- Sampler BSH : init latch
- Thread Group 1
- Sampler BSH : wait for latch
- Thread Group 2
- Sampler BSH : count down latch
- Set up Thread Group
The setup Thread Group is run before the others thread groups (these ones are parallel until you say not to do)