History of a bug

EJB not found when deploying from Intellij IDEA to JBoss

Rédigé par gorki Aucun commentaire

Le problème :

I follow the integration guide from JetBrains :

But I deploy my application (that use EJB), EJB (referenced by @EJB and defined in ejb-jar.xml) were not found

Solution :

After a few tests, I found that JBoss require that a deployment directory must finished with a known extension

JBAS015010: Le scanner de déploiement a trouvé un répertoire nommé META-INF qui n'était pas à l'intérieur d'un répertoire dont le nom se termine par .ear, .jar, .rar, .sar ou .war.

So when I modify the output dir of the artifact deployed to jboss from "mywebapp" to "mywebapp.war", it works...


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